How to Make The Right Choice of Approach In Connecting and Drawing Out Specially-abled Children, Teenagers or Young Adults The Natural Neurological Way.

Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities

Stress, a major issue in teenagers and young adults, especially those with special needs, manifests as learning, behavioural and emotional challenges. ‘Quick fix’ remedies often leave parents distressed and helpless. They fail to understand that the root cause of stress is the imbalance in the family system, which must be 'reset' to restore harmony in relationships.
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The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y.

The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. is a framework that aims to achieve positive growth result in handling high-challenge situations. Developed through more than 10 years of working with children and specially-abled people, this strategical approach seek first to remove the stress for the PARENTS, TEACHERS and CARE-GIVERS as well as the child thus paving way for true growth to occur.

The framework has been made alive in this book through the story of Max, a teenager who tackles his behavioural issues. With the support of his family and 3P.L.A.Y., Max breaks free from stress and strengthens his mental ability to function rationally. Obstacles are turned into opportunities.

This shows that children can be nurtured to develop inner harmony to make their own choices. They are empowered to fulfil their destiny, thus strengthening their family bonding and well-being.

True Story

The book brings you through the journey of a young adult in achieving his breakthroughs.

Simple Steps

The technique shared here are simple to follow yet in-depth enough for long term planning.


The book includes step-by-step guide on how it is implemented in a real situation.

Proven Theories

Theories and techniques used in this book are based on proven philosophies



3.P.L.A.Y. Poster Presentation during SEIC 2019 has won First Runner up!


It is of great honour and pleasure to receive the award recognition from the event organizer, and we would like ot share our findings to you too!

Just opt-in to show support for our Young Entrepreurship Project giving opportunity to our specially-abled young adults, and you will get to buy the book at RM 35 (usual price RM 80).

The presentation shows the 3P.L.A.Y. methodology and processes mentioned in the book based on true stories, the reasons for such behaviour episodes, shows the philosophies behind all the strategies applied, with a 5 point conclusion and the relevant references and acknowledgements. Its a great one (huge) summary of this book!


Get the book and be inspired!

RM 49.90


Buy the book now online, we will ship it once we receive your completed order. You may choose your shipping method and address on the next page. This book is priced at RM80 in and

Discount happens during CHECKOUT

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Matt Cover

Content: Monochrome

Softcopy: No

RM 35


Join me to create a difference! I am contributing the sales of my book to a Young Enterpreneurship project by our specially-abled young adults. Until 31 March 2023, you may get this book at an even lower price of RM 35 instead of the already discounted RM 80 if you opt to share my book to your social friends! This is a special project to support the training expenses for our aspiring specially-abled young people from Breakthru Enrichment Station.

In hoping more families can benefit from the book, as well as funding the training fees for families in need. I encourage you to take action and show your support to this project:

Aiming at 500 Sales

Total Opt-in So Far


This project will end by 31 March 2023.

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Matt Cover

Color Content: No

Softcopy: No

RM 25


For those who wish to read the book immediately we have prepared an online version for you! Sign-up and get to read it now online. You reading experience will be just the same as reading a book, as you get to flip the book page by page, and also to zoom the fonts as large as you wish to ease your eyes.

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Online Reading

Content: Full Color Diagrams


for In-person Coaching, Webinars and Online Workshops

what you will learn

Core Learnings

That you are the key to unlocking your child’s potential.
Acquire vital information your child’s developmental patterns.
Understand the truth that your child has more ability and potential beyond his ‘special’ label and challenges.
You child learn differently. Find out how you can help.
Your spouse doesn’t agree with your perspective on your child’s needs. What should you do?
Your child isn’t coping with public school, or the school can’t cope with your child’s behaviour and learning needs. Where can you turn?
3P.L.A.Y. is a safe, respectful and empowering process for everyone.
Real Noticing. The right focus of how and what to notice.
You heard of Primitive Reflexes but doesn't know how vital is its role in your child's development

not just telling a story

Understanding A Child's Experience


How to understand the cause of his behavioural challenges.


How to set age-appropraite goals and turning obstacles into opportunities.


How to observe his developmental gaps in the past.


How to indentify the environment that causes his internal struggles.


The First Ripple of 3P.L.A.Y.

(Presence, Listen, Acknowledge and Yeah!) instills the importance of timeliness and appropriateness in teenagers and parents.

The Second Ripple of 3P.L.A.Y.

(Plan, Language, Appreciate and Yeah!) encourages them to have an open mind to learn again.

The Third Ripple of 3P.L.A.Y.

(Progress, Lead, Aspire and Yeah!) motivates them to have a loving influence to make a difference and create opportunities to grow.


... and more are explained in the book, through real-life example.

The Source of Stress And How It Starts In the Womb
The Relevance of Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development.
The 5 Stages of Planning the Breakthru Way
4 Steps To Connect The Missing Dots In A Child's Development
3 Major Ways in Noticing - Sense, Feel and Know
3 Steps in Acknowledging A Child
How to Notice An Improvement That's Worth Celebrating
How Dr Howards Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory Plays A Part in 3P.L.A.Y.
The Roles of Educational Kinesiology and Brain Gym in A Child's Breakthrough
5 Strategical Steps to Support
3 Ways To Communicate Effectively
3 Ways To Express Appreciation
How to Measure A Child's Effective Progress - The I.C.I
3 Ways To Lead The Child In Moving Ahead
3 Ways In Realising Aspiration for Your Child

The heartbeat of 3P.L.A.Y. is the
drawing-out model of Educational Kinesiology
which include these modalities:

Brain Gym Principles & Balances

Movements that promotes neural pathway for integrated brain and stable emotion.

View an introductory video about Brain Gym

Play Video

Movement Based Learning

Stimulates the growth of neural pathways through movement of the body, and lots more.

Listen to a recent BFM interview about MBL

Play Podcast

Rhythmic Movement Training

Integrating reflexes that are triggered by external factors to allow growth to develop naturally.

About The Author

Hi, my name is Phoebe Long, and I sincerely invite your to explore this methodology that I created across 20 years of my experience in teaching children, teenagers and young adults who have behavioural or learning challenges. As a Montessori-trained teacher, I served as headmistress and principal of two kindergartens using the popular FunGates system. Seeing the dire need, I later founded Breakthru Enrichment Station for special needs children together with her mentor, Pn Ngiam Lian Ai, an award-winning former assistant headmistress of a government school with 34 years of teaching experience.

I have conducted training in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan and Spain, and presented papers on the 3P.L.A.Y. to Breakthrough in Canada, England, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, Scotland, South Korea and Thailand. In addition, I train counsellors and psychologists from Departent of Social Welfare Malaysia (JKMM). I am also passionate in sharing my expertise with higher learning institutes, parent support groups and non-governmental organisations.

Please read the book and share your feedback with me at There is always something we can learn from each other. I hope you benefited from my book.

Full Credentials

from around the world


Cecilia Koester, MEd
United States

Phoebe has taken this concept of The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. and developed a concrete way to express how we can help our children, teenagers and young adults feel good about themselves. They then develop the ability to help themselves...

Glenys Leadbeater NZRN, Dip. OpTH
New Zealand

This book will not only inspire readers but also challenge them to consider what is possible when the self is placed in a position of ‘trusting the process’. Phoebe stands tall among her peers-‘she trusts the process’.

Dr Johnben Loy, MBA, MTS, PhD

I have personally seen how her journey with families has made a tremendous positive change in helping families deal better with children with special needs.

Ike R. Sugianto, Psi.

This book gives me a lot of practical things to understand ... how to communicate with children and their families, and also how to prepare ourselves as teachers.

Datuk Dr Johnson Tee
East Malaysia

I can confidently conclude that if you submit yourself to the Breakthru Approach, reconciliation will be easier.

Rev Dr Sivin Kit

...she invites us to re-imagine ways forward that.., in collaboration with others, build a society where no one will be left behind.


Get the book and be inspired!

RM 49.90


Buy the book now online, we will ship it once we receive your completed order. You may choose your shipping method and address on the next page. This book is priced at RM80 in and

Discount happens during CHECKOUT

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Matt Cover

Content: Monochrome

Softcopy: No

RM 35


Join me to create a difference! I am contributing the sales of my book to a Young Enterpreneurship project by our specially-abled young adults. Until 31 March 2023, you may get this book at an even lower price of RM 35 instead of the already discounted RM 80 if you opt to share my book to your social friends! This is a special project to support the training expenses for our aspiring specially-abled young people from Breakthru Enrichment Station.

In hoping more families can benefit from the book, as well as funding the training fees for families in need. I encourage you to take action and show your support to this project:

Aiming at 500 Sales

Total Opt-in So Far


This project will end by 31 March 2023.

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Matt Cover

Color Content: No

Softcopy: No

RM 25


For those who wish to read the book immediately we have prepared an online version for you! Sign-up and get to read it now online. You reading experience will be just the same as reading a book, as you get to flip the book page by page, and also to zoom the fonts as large as you wish to ease your eyes.

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Online Reading

Content: Full Color Diagrams

teaching 3P.L.A.Y.

Qualified Trainers

Founder of Little Sun Kiddyland and International Instructor for Movement Based Learning. She is the first graduated instructor to teach 3P.L.A.Y.

Educationist & Founder, Little Sun Kiddyland

Founder of The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. and International Faculty for Brain Gym, Movement Based Learning, Professional Kinesiologist and founder of Breakthru Academy, Breakthru Enrichment Station for Specially-abled Children and Teenagers

Author & Founder, Breakthru Academy

Basic knowledgebase

Frequently asked questions

The 3PL.A.Y. to Breakthrough is conducted at Breakthru Academy regualarly. It is usually an 8 hour class. You may find the class schedule from Academy website at

The Book explains the usage of Breakthru Approach through a practical life example. The Class provides detailed step by step explaination of the methodology with the aim to provide sufficient opportunity for interactive questions.

There are two version of Breakthru Approach classes with some slight difference, namely "The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. for Practical Parenting" and "The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. for Inclusive Classroom" for both parents and teachers respectively.

The approach is a great guide for parenting, but is also very applicable to school teachers, care-givers, Occupational Therapist, Counsellors and anyone who works with children with special needs.

The Breakthru Approach is a drawing-out modal and totally organic. It is also a framework for effective application of neurological developmental balances namely Brain Gym®, Movement Based Learning™, and primitive reflex integration techniques known as Rhythmic Movement Trainings as the building blocks for progress.

The class provides attendees a workbook and a certificate upon completion, and participant are also offered to purchase the book at a discounted price upon completion of the evaluation form.

However the book provides a great example on how it is applied practically for beginners.


3P.L.A.Y. Workbook Exclusively For Class Attendee

For Parents Class

For Teachers Class

Your Choice

To Learn at Own Pace, or Learn In Group

RM 49.90


Discount happens during CHECKOUT

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Matt Cover

Content: Monochrome

Softcopy: No

RM 35


Join me to create a difference! I am contributing the sales of my book to a Young Enterpreneurship project by our specially-abled young adults. Until 31 March 2023, you may get this book at an even lower price of RM 35 instead of the already discounted RM 80 if you opt to share my book to your social friends! This is a special project to support the training expenses for our aspiring specially-abled young people from Breakthru Enrichment Station.

Aiming at 500 Sales

Total Opt-in So Far


This project will end by 31 March 2023.

Full Book: 160 pages

Paperback: Matt Cover

Color Content: No

Softcopy: No

RM 960


Get all your questions answered personally by me or my partners. Learn in a cozy group environment, learn from other's experience, and most of all, personally experience how the 3P.L.A.Y is implemented.

Duration: 8 Hours

Materials: Workbook

Certificate: Yes

Book: Discounted Price

To Be A Backer, Just buy this book at RM 35

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